Friday, January 23, 2009

I know I haven't posted any posts recently, that's because I've been pretty busy. Hopefully that trend will change soon.

Anyway, just 30 minutes ago I experienced my first earthquake ever. Almost immediatley the information was updated on the Internet and told us that is was a 3.4 Richter magnitude, which isn't very much, but when we looked at the map we saw that it happened litterally right under our neighborhood, wit a depth of 7 km.

At the time of the earthquake we were sitting down having dinner, and it struck us with surprise. The windows were shaking and the ground vibrated. My first reaction was shock, and my intuition told me to search shelter under the dinner table, since that's what we've learned in school. But everything happened so quickly that it was over before I reached under it, and I sat up again with a fast beating heart.

After this earthquake it is easier to understand the panic people get in situations like these. If it would have went on for a longr time I don't know what I would have done. Anyway, I'm fine and it was an interesting experience!

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