Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Just got home from school. It's a Tuesday afternoon and I can't stop thinking about the day I'll be leaving. Today is the 9th, and I'm leaving the 26th, so in 17 days I'm going back to Sweden. As for now I can't stand that thought. It's different from when I left Sweden. Back then I knew that I would be coming back and I would still be living the same life around the same people. But now, to leave LA and all of my friends behind, without knowing if I'll ever see them again is so difficult. My eyes are tearing as I'm writing this. Even if I would come back and visit my host family, which I certainly will as soon as I can, I might not be able to see my friends. First of all because they are all leaving for college in different parts of the country, and second of all, it's thank to the school I've been seeing them regularly. I wish I could stay here longer, because there are some people I've just met that I wish I could get to know better. This year means so much to me, I've learned so much thanks to everyone around me, and most of all, I've got to know myself better. I've learned to appreciate everything in a new way and I've dared to do things that I never thought I would, just the fact that I left home for a new destination was one of them. When I get home I will look at my life through new eyes. And I know that life goes on, it's just a little bit hard to accept sometimes.

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