Friday, November 21, 2008

New York Saturday

On Union Square, a couple of blocks from our apartment there was a street market on Saturday morning. We started our day with a visit there and bought eggs, bacon, bread, granola, milk etc. everything we needed to make a complete breakfast. A couple of friends of Mary Sue and Julie come over to join us. In time for going back out again it started raining. Luckily, we were prepared better this time (comparing to in Washington D.C) for the colder climate, with umbrellas and rain coats. And considering the weather we decided that it was a perfect day for a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They had an exhibition of Modern Art which I liked very much. Until now, I’ve never been especially interested in museums, but I saw a lot of beautiful work. There was one collection in particular that caught my eye, among the pintings; "Black Iris", of the artist Georgia O’Keeffe.
The Met is located on the east side of the Central Park, so later, we walked across the park. Central Park is a huge park, in the middle of Manhattan. Now in the fall the trees are colorful and the view is idyllic.

A while ago when we were going to Washington D.C. Mary Sue was searching on the Internet for restaurants we could visit. She found one named “The Obelisk” and she became curios about what an Obelisk really was. As it’s easy to do, she was stuck on the internet for another hour trying to find information about an “Obelisk”. Later she told us that an obelisk is a monument, originally from Egypt, and there is only one in America – in Central Park. We went past it and then walked by the “Swedish cottage”. I had no idea that there was one here in New York. With a proud Swedish flag on top of the house it reminded me of those log cabins we usually rent up north in the Swedish mountains.
A picture of Central Park on a rainy day.

We took the subway home, which was not too bad. It was kind of similar to the Swedish subway but not as clean nor inviting. A more popular way of transportation is eventually the typical yellow cabs which are really cheap and convenient.
At this time we hadn’t heard anything from Declan yet (Mary Sue’s oldest son that goes to college in New York) since about a day before we left LA. It turned out that he had been sleeping until about 4.00 pm. which was why he hadn’t answered any calls. He and Mary Sue had talked earlier about him making up plans for us two while Mare Sue and Julie would go to dinner at their friends house in Bronxville, about 40 minutes outside the city by train. But because of the confusing situation all four of us went out to Bronxville. Mary Sue helped to cook the dinner and it all tasted very good. Declan and I had a chance to talk, for the first time since we met last time, in Stockholm in the end of last summer. The two of us went back to Manhattan earlier, right after the main course, because we were planning on going to a party with Declan’s friends. Unfortunately it turned out that nothing he knew of was going on, so I took a cab home from his dorm to our apartment, alone… It was probably a stupid thing to do because I felt scared as I sat there all by myself. My imagination started to flow and I thought of everything that could have happened, in a completely foreign city, in which I had been in for less than 24 hours, knowing nothing about the area and barely my address (Declan had told the cab driver before we left).

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