Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Washington D.C. Monday

As predicted, today was a pretty busy day, starting of fancy, with breakfast in bed. Kieran and I filled in the ordering forms last night but they were a little bit unclear, and since none of us had done it before we were not totally sure of what we ended up ordering. 7.30 am we’re woken up by someone knocking on our door. Into the room comes Kieran’s American breakfast on a big tray. It was filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, grated potatoes, toast, fresh orange juice and decaffeinated coffee. It seemed to be only one of our orders, which was kind of weird because we thought we ordered two. Anyway I felt relieved, because I was not that hungry and it would be a waste of money (and food) to not eat the breakfast since it was very expensive. To my “disappointment” my breakfast soon arrived on another tray. It was fun though, an unusual experience…

Chris, Dick, Kieran, Mary Sue and I went to the Senate Office building for a private tour of the Capitol. On our way there a funny but sullen incident happened. As we got out of the cab we were standing on the sidewalk, on the opposite side of the street but we waited with crossing since another cab was coming towards us, and we didn’t want to get hit. As it slows down Mary Sue is waving as to show that we don’t need a cab. I guess we looked a little bit confused, like tourists, and it stops near us. To us, the cab looks empty, and now we’re all gesticulating to make clear that we’re NOT getting in the cab! Despite our attempt to make that clear, the cabdriver pushes a button that opens the back door. Getting both more confused, and frustrated about this mess, we suddenly see two legs appear under the back door. We realize that there is a little dwarf coming out of the cab! Embarrassed, blushing and very uncomfortable with the situation we all turn around and cross the road quickly and enters the Hart Senate Office. Everyone but the little person is laughing as soon as we’re out of sight.

All the senators, including Obama and McCain have their offices in this building. We went to one of California’s senators, Dianne Feinstein’s, office to wait for our tour. The guide took us to the underground path that connects the Senate Office with the Capitol.

The paintings, the architecture, and the sculptures - everything in the Capitol is magnificent, imposing and extra-ordinary. We went into the old Senate Chamber, the old and the current House of Representatives chamber. All of it feels very real and significant to me as I’m reading about this in my American history class.

After we ended the tour of the Capitol we went back to the hotel and picked up our bags quickly and now headed for NASA, the space centre. Both Sarah and Jack work there so they guided us around. First we looked in their studio where they make movies, send news reports etc. then we went to see a satellite that is going to be launched next year. It was really hard to imagine that it was actually going to be sent up in space, the universe… pretty awesome, huh?

After saying good bye to Sarah and Jack we were going to the airport again, to leave the wonderful, stunning Washington D.C. I’ve had a great stay here, and we spent the time in a good way, even though I wish it would have been a longer vacation because there is an endless list of things to do, museums to visit etc.

Washington D.C. Sunday

Today we got the chance to sleep in for a while. MS had an early appointment, preparing for tonight’s award dinner. She is the one giving the speeches and awards at the “Share our strength” event tonight.
Later on, about 12.00 we went out in the lovely weather. We walked to Teaism, and had breakfast. With lots of good options I had some granola and a cup of Chai tea, which is my special favorite since I tried it at Espresso House in Stockholm. Altogether, we visited two museums, one sculpture garden, a couple of shoe stores, and some cloth stores today, everything to learn about the American culture. The only thing worth mentioning is that Chris was very sweet and bought me a t-shirt from the Spy-museum, and caring about my eyes in the bright and intense sunlight, a pair of sun glasses. Usually I have a hard time to find some that I like, and that fits me, but not today!

Washington D.C. Saturday

This morning we went out for a walk. We passed The White House, a big, majestic building. Of some reason I felt bad for the President who has to live in such a big, old and beautiful house. Imagine how lonely and scary it would be, with a lot of unused space, probably many empty rooms, all containing ancient narratives and legends of ghosts…

Today’s weather was very cold and in particular windy but sunny. Unlike in LA we had to dress warm, so I wore a scarf, long pants and a sweater. That turned out to be way to little, so I borrowed a wind jacket, gloves and a fleece head warmer from a native, Sarah, Kieran’s cousin, who had predicted that we would all dress too “optimistic”. Mary Sue, Kieran, Chris (MS’s sister), Dick (Chris’s husband), Sarah, Jack (Sarah’s boyfriend) and I went on a bike ride together. We figured out that it would be the best way, and fastest, to cover the city. We went down to the mall, which is the area with all the monuments and memorials, starting of with the amazing Washington monument (my favorite – so plain and simple but still remarkably impressive, surrounded by a number of stars and stripes). We continued with the World War 2 memorial, also really pretty with the water in the fountain sparkling in the sunlight. 3rd of all we walked into the Lincoln Memorial. Just by entering the area you could feel the olden history that is buried there. Lincoln was a wise, powerful President during the Civil War, and his words to the people about the brave warriors are written on the wall on the inside of the building. First and foremost though, I thought of Martin Luther King Jr. when we were there. Standing now where he stood about 45 years ago telling America that “I have a dream” made me feel important.

After a time it was time for brunch so we rode our bikes around town, passed a bridge and were suddenly in Virginia (which I checked on my “state-visit-list”) but soon returned to the District again heading for Georgetown and ended up at a restaurant next to the Swedish embassy. It was unfortunately closed. After reloading our batteries we continued biking into Maryland (also checked on that same list). All the way we followed an adorable bike path enclosed by colorful frees and bushes. We stopped for a while in Maryland, had ice cream and then turned back. The entire distance was possibly about 15 miles, pretty long, but I really enjoyed it!

Chris and Dick are both born at the same year, on the same day. The following Monday would be their birthday so we went out together to a nice, quite classy Belgian restaurant. I had oysters and snails for the first time in my life and I liked it! The rest of the food, the main course and the dessert were delectable. Exhausted after a day full of adventures we all fell deep asleep as soon as we went to bed.

Washington D.C. Friday

After waiting about an hour extra at the airport because of our delayed flight we finally boarded the plane. I realized how big the LAX airport is, which I missed when I first arrived from Sweden.

Anyway, the airplane had everything you can imagine. Each seat had its own 9” touch screen and control for TV-games. You could choose between watching TV, movies, listen to music (anything from Mozart to Paris Hilton) or radio, and as mentioned before; a variety of games, a chat room, and instead of ordering food and other products that you’d like to buy from a magazine it was all available on you screen. This advanced technology was something new to me and it made the time pass very quickly. Even if it was a domestic flight, it took about four hours to cross from the west to the east coast of this big country.

Now, it’s 9.30 am Saturday, and I woke up in this super-ultra comfy double bed at the Capital Hilton Hotel, where we’ll be staying for the weekend. I felt that my tummy was still filled with food since last night’s visit at a Chinese restaurant so I figured out that breakfast can wait.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another weekend

So, another weekend has passed by. Yesterday was very windy and at our game it was hard to play when we didn’t keep the ball on the ground, but the weather conditions were the same for both of the teams and we tied, 2-2. I played forward, which I usually like, but it’s not quite as fun if you don’t get any passes because the other team owns the ball most of the time. Anyway, right after kick off, of midfielders kicked the ball far away, I ran to the ball and got to it before the keeper and I lobbed it over her and In the goal. It was a very pretty goal, I must say. The rest of the game was very tiring, with a lot of running for passes that didn’t have any address. I played for 90 minutes and afterwards I was really tired. Later on I was lying on the couch with a hot cup of tea feeling sick. Today, I forced myself to go to Bill Bots Field to take the annual photographs of the team. Even though I didn’t feel very well I couldn’t miss that opportunity. I’ll bring my photos (with me faking the smiles) with me home and remember all the wonderful players I have on my team. The rest of the day I’ve spent matching Casino Royale and sleeping on the sofa.

By the time we were done with the photos, I felt a bit better, and I’m sure that I could have played the game without collapsing, but I had my reasons. First of all, since the tryouts for the school team are every afternoon this week, I don’t want to get worse, and second of all I’m going to see Washington D.C. next weekend, leaving on Friday so I want to feel well.

After a number of different cures (who knows what they’re actually made of, but there are a million different options, each supposed to be better than the other one) containing a lot of vitamins etc. - I’ll probably feel better tomorrow already.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Birthday!

« Ja må du leva, ja må du leva,
ja må du leva uti hundrade år.
Javisst ska du leva, javisst ska du leva,
Javisst ska du leva uti hundrade år. »

Yesterday was Danielle’s 17th birthday. She is one of my absolutely best friends ever, and it makes me sad that I couldn’t be there with her and celebrate. I was thinking about her, and I hope that she had a great day.

I talked to my mom and dad though, and they said they had been over and given her my present, which was something I made this summer with the purpose that she wont forget me. And if you read this, Dannielle, make sure you install Skype on your computer soon because the lack of real conversation with you makes me crazy.

Felt lilke I had to publish this picture too, because it shows one of our incredible and extra ordinary times together!

My American life

My family consists of one little brother named Kieran, one older brother named Declan, a mother and a father – Mary Sue and Josh. They’re fantastic!
Kieran is 10 years old and goes to the elementary school called El Marino Language School, which means that he has been studying Japanese since kindergarten. That is impressive in that age, in my opinion.

One of Kieran’s biggest interests is skateboarding and he is the lucky owner of about 8 different skateboards, the majority inherited from Declan or any of his friends. Kieran is musical talented, plays the piano and sings very well but one thing he is not as fond of as music is school and his homework. I don’t think it is unusual for kids here to not have motivation when it comes to doing homework because all students, especially in elementary and middle school get more homework than I’ve ever got in Sweden. They have to spend at least about two hours a day sitting by their desk and reading and counting and writing, at HOME! When you get loads of homework every day, more than you can handle, you loose you self-confidence and start to question yourself. Later on you get a blockade in your brain telling you that it’s too hard for you and you come up with reasons to delay the work that has to be done, and it becomes a vicious circle.

Declan is 18 years old and goes to a college in New York. He’ll come home for Thanksgiving, which is November 25th. I can’t wait to see him!

Mary Sue is a chef and Josh is an architect, so I’m served delicious food and I live in a beautiful, modern home. Could I be more fortunate? They are both very kind, helpful, supportive and just brilliant.

Mary Sue is playing soccer and they have practice three times a week, in the morning, before work, to which she usually goes after dropping me of at school. She is the owner of three restaurants, two in Los Angeles and one in Las Vegas. She is also a part of a organization called “Share our strength” where they give support and cook food to poor families and homeless people.

Josh loves tennis; he is playing himself a couple of times a week and enjoys watching it on TV as well. He is very interested in art and is painting and sculptures a lot out in his studio.
They are both going out together about one night a week, which I think more parents should do. I stay home with Kieran while they go out to the movies and eating dinner out on a restaurant and spend time with only each other.

We have a garden in our backyard where we grow tomatoes, beans, lettuce, egg plants, pepper and other vegetables. We’ve got chickens, so we get fresh eggs, and we’ve raspberries growing there too. In the front there are banana trees, so guess what, we have “own-grown” bananas every now and then.

Tonight we’re having a big Obama fundraising dinner at our house and at our neighbor Hans’ house. Hans is also a very well-known chef and owner of couples of restaurants so they’ll both be cooking tonight. According to all estimates they’ll get about $ 20 000 to Senate Obama’s campaign.

My job tonight is to babysit Kieran, Nolan and Casey at our neighbor’s house. Right now the kids are watching one of the Star Wars movies, which I thought I liked, but this is an old movie and I think I prefer the new version. Anyway, they’ll soon be asleep because the time is almost 9.00 pm.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Clubs in school

After what I’ve heard from former EF students, to join any of the clubs in school is a good opportunity to make new friends and improve your English even more. Last Wednesday it was “Club Fair” during lunch which means that all of the clubs had a table out on campus, where representatives from each club tried to promote it and draw new members. The majority of the clubs has a meeting once a week during lunch, hence you can’t join two clubs that has a meeting on the same day of the week. I ended up with joining three clubs: Multicultural cooking, Junior Class Council and HOPE; Help Our Planet Earth. In the Multicultural cooking club there’s a schedule that says who’s going to cook and bring food each week. So, hopefully I’ll have one day each week when I don’t have to bring my own lunch. In Junior Class Council we’ll plan the events that take place during the year such as prom and homecoming. And, as always, I'm concerned about doing as much as I can to help and prevent the climate changes, which I'll try to do in the HOPE club.

I’m planning to go to each club’s first meeting and afterwards decide whether I want to stay in all three of them.