Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Clubs in school

After what I’ve heard from former EF students, to join any of the clubs in school is a good opportunity to make new friends and improve your English even more. Last Wednesday it was “Club Fair” during lunch which means that all of the clubs had a table out on campus, where representatives from each club tried to promote it and draw new members. The majority of the clubs has a meeting once a week during lunch, hence you can’t join two clubs that has a meeting on the same day of the week. I ended up with joining three clubs: Multicultural cooking, Junior Class Council and HOPE; Help Our Planet Earth. In the Multicultural cooking club there’s a schedule that says who’s going to cook and bring food each week. So, hopefully I’ll have one day each week when I don’t have to bring my own lunch. In Junior Class Council we’ll plan the events that take place during the year such as prom and homecoming. And, as always, I'm concerned about doing as much as I can to help and prevent the climate changes, which I'll try to do in the HOPE club.

I’m planning to go to each club’s first meeting and afterwards decide whether I want to stay in all three of them.

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