Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another weekend

So, another weekend has passed by. Yesterday was very windy and at our game it was hard to play when we didn’t keep the ball on the ground, but the weather conditions were the same for both of the teams and we tied, 2-2. I played forward, which I usually like, but it’s not quite as fun if you don’t get any passes because the other team owns the ball most of the time. Anyway, right after kick off, of midfielders kicked the ball far away, I ran to the ball and got to it before the keeper and I lobbed it over her and In the goal. It was a very pretty goal, I must say. The rest of the game was very tiring, with a lot of running for passes that didn’t have any address. I played for 90 minutes and afterwards I was really tired. Later on I was lying on the couch with a hot cup of tea feeling sick. Today, I forced myself to go to Bill Bots Field to take the annual photographs of the team. Even though I didn’t feel very well I couldn’t miss that opportunity. I’ll bring my photos (with me faking the smiles) with me home and remember all the wonderful players I have on my team. The rest of the day I’ve spent matching Casino Royale and sleeping on the sofa.

By the time we were done with the photos, I felt a bit better, and I’m sure that I could have played the game without collapsing, but I had my reasons. First of all, since the tryouts for the school team are every afternoon this week, I don’t want to get worse, and second of all I’m going to see Washington D.C. next weekend, leaving on Friday so I want to feel well.

After a number of different cures (who knows what they’re actually made of, but there are a million different options, each supposed to be better than the other one) containing a lot of vitamins etc. - I’ll probably feel better tomorrow already.

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