Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Washington D.C. Saturday

This morning we went out for a walk. We passed The White House, a big, majestic building. Of some reason I felt bad for the President who has to live in such a big, old and beautiful house. Imagine how lonely and scary it would be, with a lot of unused space, probably many empty rooms, all containing ancient narratives and legends of ghosts…

Today’s weather was very cold and in particular windy but sunny. Unlike in LA we had to dress warm, so I wore a scarf, long pants and a sweater. That turned out to be way to little, so I borrowed a wind jacket, gloves and a fleece head warmer from a native, Sarah, Kieran’s cousin, who had predicted that we would all dress too “optimistic”. Mary Sue, Kieran, Chris (MS’s sister), Dick (Chris’s husband), Sarah, Jack (Sarah’s boyfriend) and I went on a bike ride together. We figured out that it would be the best way, and fastest, to cover the city. We went down to the mall, which is the area with all the monuments and memorials, starting of with the amazing Washington monument (my favorite – so plain and simple but still remarkably impressive, surrounded by a number of stars and stripes). We continued with the World War 2 memorial, also really pretty with the water in the fountain sparkling in the sunlight. 3rd of all we walked into the Lincoln Memorial. Just by entering the area you could feel the olden history that is buried there. Lincoln was a wise, powerful President during the Civil War, and his words to the people about the brave warriors are written on the wall on the inside of the building. First and foremost though, I thought of Martin Luther King Jr. when we were there. Standing now where he stood about 45 years ago telling America that “I have a dream” made me feel important.

After a time it was time for brunch so we rode our bikes around town, passed a bridge and were suddenly in Virginia (which I checked on my “state-visit-list”) but soon returned to the District again heading for Georgetown and ended up at a restaurant next to the Swedish embassy. It was unfortunately closed. After reloading our batteries we continued biking into Maryland (also checked on that same list). All the way we followed an adorable bike path enclosed by colorful frees and bushes. We stopped for a while in Maryland, had ice cream and then turned back. The entire distance was possibly about 15 miles, pretty long, but I really enjoyed it!

Chris and Dick are both born at the same year, on the same day. The following Monday would be their birthday so we went out together to a nice, quite classy Belgian restaurant. I had oysters and snails for the first time in my life and I liked it! The rest of the food, the main course and the dessert were delectable. Exhausted after a day full of adventures we all fell deep asleep as soon as we went to bed.

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