Saturday, October 11, 2008

My American life

My family consists of one little brother named Kieran, one older brother named Declan, a mother and a father – Mary Sue and Josh. They’re fantastic!
Kieran is 10 years old and goes to the elementary school called El Marino Language School, which means that he has been studying Japanese since kindergarten. That is impressive in that age, in my opinion.

One of Kieran’s biggest interests is skateboarding and he is the lucky owner of about 8 different skateboards, the majority inherited from Declan or any of his friends. Kieran is musical talented, plays the piano and sings very well but one thing he is not as fond of as music is school and his homework. I don’t think it is unusual for kids here to not have motivation when it comes to doing homework because all students, especially in elementary and middle school get more homework than I’ve ever got in Sweden. They have to spend at least about two hours a day sitting by their desk and reading and counting and writing, at HOME! When you get loads of homework every day, more than you can handle, you loose you self-confidence and start to question yourself. Later on you get a blockade in your brain telling you that it’s too hard for you and you come up with reasons to delay the work that has to be done, and it becomes a vicious circle.

Declan is 18 years old and goes to a college in New York. He’ll come home for Thanksgiving, which is November 25th. I can’t wait to see him!

Mary Sue is a chef and Josh is an architect, so I’m served delicious food and I live in a beautiful, modern home. Could I be more fortunate? They are both very kind, helpful, supportive and just brilliant.

Mary Sue is playing soccer and they have practice three times a week, in the morning, before work, to which she usually goes after dropping me of at school. She is the owner of three restaurants, two in Los Angeles and one in Las Vegas. She is also a part of a organization called “Share our strength” where they give support and cook food to poor families and homeless people.

Josh loves tennis; he is playing himself a couple of times a week and enjoys watching it on TV as well. He is very interested in art and is painting and sculptures a lot out in his studio.
They are both going out together about one night a week, which I think more parents should do. I stay home with Kieran while they go out to the movies and eating dinner out on a restaurant and spend time with only each other.

We have a garden in our backyard where we grow tomatoes, beans, lettuce, egg plants, pepper and other vegetables. We’ve got chickens, so we get fresh eggs, and we’ve raspberries growing there too. In the front there are banana trees, so guess what, we have “own-grown” bananas every now and then.

Tonight we’re having a big Obama fundraising dinner at our house and at our neighbor Hans’ house. Hans is also a very well-known chef and owner of couples of restaurants so they’ll both be cooking tonight. According to all estimates they’ll get about $ 20 000 to Senate Obama’s campaign.

My job tonight is to babysit Kieran, Nolan and Casey at our neighbor’s house. Right now the kids are watching one of the Star Wars movies, which I thought I liked, but this is an old movie and I think I prefer the new version. Anyway, they’ll soon be asleep because the time is almost 9.00 pm.

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